Monday, July 29, 2013

Wealth Care's Summers

Plutophiles are terrorized by the idea that their masters the plutocrats would enjoy in the future less money, and less control, than they do presently. Indeed, who would feed them? Would they have to work? Would they be exposed to truthful thinking? Would they have to recognize that money for the very few does not an economy make?

The WEALTH CARE state is the exact opposite of the welfare state. The Wealth Care state has a knight, and demonstrated enabler, Larry Summers, champion of Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, all hedge funds and their ilk. Summers, Grand Cross of all derivatives, especially those that allow banks to show profits that do not profit society, and are reserved to the very few, insured, as they are, and financed, as they are, by the bleating, unworthy, clueless taxpayers.

Summers, and the inflationphobes are the incarnation of all what's wrong, as the Wall Street journal itself admitted Saturday (Summers is on the take from the plutocracy, an article said substantially), and today (Federal Reserve 'Doves' Beat 'Hawks' in Economic Prognosticating

Slow Growth, Low Inflation Give Yellen, Dudley Upper Hand on Forecasts;

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