Thursday, August 1, 2013

Wealthcare State Endless Summers

Wealth Care State’s Endless Summers

Starting with Nixon, the Kennedy-Johnson welfare state became the wealthcare state. The rise of systematic failures such as Lawrence Summers, was instrumental that way.

Democrats point at Republicans all the time. In truth, they set-up the Wealth Care State just as enthusiastically. Ever since Nixon, all outwardly socially motivated programs grew that monstrosity.

Obama said, July 31, 2013, Summers saved the USA. However, under Summers the bad operators of the very bad bank holding corporations were lent indefinitely (through QE) more than 8 trillion dollars, and the American people, who paid for this rescue did not even acquire the properties they paid for.

Anyway, 2,500 words of details of what is wrong with Summers, TARP (Transferring Assets to Rich People) and the wealthcare state on:

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