Wednesday, May 7, 2008


It was not just a crime that Hillary Clinton wanted to cancel the gas tax, it was a mistake: voters were not impressed, she lost impressively.

Clinton had demonstrated she was a panderer. Obama showed he was a leader. In November, he will have the pleasure of reminding Mr. McCain of this. A leader has to show the way, and especially when the way is not obvious, not just where everybody sees it too. Leaders encourage people to do well by teaching them what's right.

In Norway, which produces 3 million barrels of oil a day (and exports more than 93%), two-third of the price of gasoline is tax. Overall, European gasoline costs around eight to nine US$ a gallon, most of it, tax. The idea is to force efficiencies. The Peugeot 308, a regular family car on sale now in Europe, gets more than 63 mpg (one did 14,500 kilometers at 75 mpg!). Those efficiencies are all over, explaining why a 65 million strong country such as France make do with less than one-third of the CO2 emission of the USA per person.

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