Sunday, October 19, 2008


It used to be that the greatest jobs in the USA were to be an engineer, a scientist, a doctor, a teacher, a judge, even a --- blue collar worker. Those jobs were the pillars of the economy. They were well paid and respected. In 1941, the USA was a nation of engineers, and it's how W.W.II was won, so well, and so quickly.

In recent decades, though, the money manipulators sucked all the money, leaving not enough for even the most meritorious and necessary professions to attract the next generations. This is no exaggeration: Wall Street bonuses (just Wall Street), were more than 100 billion Dollars in 2007 (about 4% of the U.S. government budget). So the country has decayed. Worse: this U.S. plutocracy allied and entangled itself with the most terrible elements overseas (the Saud and bin Laden families are examples, just for Saudi Arabia). Plutocracy became a world network, and globalization without regulation its preferred weapon.

To reestablish a balance, the money manipulators (Roosevelt's "banksters") should be condemned to regurgitate their ill gotten gains, indeed. The last thing to do is to send more money to the money manipulators: that is not what the People want, and, besides, more of the same will not solve the crisis. The entire world plutocratic system should be dismantled, because it's antinomic to democracy. By definition, it's either moneypower (plutocracy) or peoplepower (democracy). One cannot have both. in 1941, the USA was a democracy. Maybe it can become one again, for real. The increasing refusal of people to pay exaggerated mortgages as their wages sink is actually a revolt of the People against banks. It looks like a financial crisis, but maybe it is actually a very healthy rebellion of the People against over-exploitation by money manipulators who violated the law for so long, they don't care if they do, because they are persuaded that they could get away with anything.

Patrice Ayme

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