Saturday, April 4, 2009


(A version of this essay was published by NYT, April 4; an expansion of it will be put on wordpress.)

Gail Collins, a well known columnist in the New York Times, April 3, 2009, tries to be funny by being so shallow and offensive to others as to be self deprecating with the deliberate display of one's own low cultural performance, which, in turn, is supposed to show a great sense of humor. George W. Bush was a master of that art, but it is ubiquitous in the USA. It goes hand in hand with racism and cultural obscurantism.

Here she goes: "If nothing else, the president’s trip overseas helped resolve the longstanding question of who can be more irritating, the Republicans or the French. The president’s main mission, after all, was to try to talk the French and Germans into supporting a serious global stimulus plan, and he failed. There were other accomplishments, sure. But even the tiniest seemed to have required a lot of pandering."

The Europeans were not born yesterday. As I said many times on my sites and various comments to the blogosphere and the New York Times, there is no evidence that the stimulus of the USA is larger than France's or the EU's. Obama's stimulus has in it the AMT (an irrelevant tax relief, which is voted every year), partial compensation for the collapsing state budgets, and desperate attempts to provide for two years or so a small fraction of the social help the EU has mandated into law on a permanent basis. The EU total stimulus is above half a trillion dollars, and the real stimulus of the USA is certainly much less than that. So enough. Obama went to Europe to beg, but as long as it is to make war and pay his ultra rich friends, he will not get charity.

The Europeans know that the Bush-Obama administration is sending trillions of US Dollars to the corrupt giant banks/hedge funds/private equity vulture machine, the plutocracy the guys in his administration (Summers, Geithner, Emanuel) belong to, as low level soldiers.

Bretton-Woods insure that the US Dollar is the world's reserve currency. Other countries, such as China, by buying US Treasury bonds, feed the USA, and pay for its wars, and also pay for its pseudo stimulus, and pay for its plutocracy. Obama went to France and Germany to ask them to pay for the plutocracy of the USA, as if they were China and Japan. And the answer is Nein.

The game is over as far as Europe is concerned. The question is to know what China will do.

Some in the USA will say it's unjust, that the USA insured Pax Americana, saved Europe, etc. This is, very unfortunately, propaganda. It is the apparent truth, as all good propaganda is. But it is not what really happened. The truth is stunning, and basically just the opposite. If some masterminds set fire to your house in the dark, and then recruit some youth to help you out extinguishing the flames in broad day light, what do you call them? How should you view them? This was Wall Street, various American plutocrats and the government they own, did, throughout the twentieth century.

My thesis, exposed in depth on my sites, is that the plutocracy of the USA was the fundamental enzyme of Bellum Americanum, the enormous wars that wrecked Europe from 1914 to 1945. The USA played a very nasty, treacherous role against Europe during the entire century.

Far from supporting democracy, American plutocrats undermined it very carefully. The plutocrats supported Hitler, crucially, and then gave half of Europe to Stalin. Not satisfied with this, the same sort of double game was played in the Middle East (supporting and exciting Iranian Shiites, Hussein and bin Laden, and then switching on them, and decrying them as evil). Well, enough! These truths, however paradoxical they are, will get to be known, and, as they are, the clout of the USA will sink even faster than its industry.

Other countries have known terrible government and horrendous periods in history. The way out is first by shedding a light, so that knowledge can flow in.

Patrice Ayme

1 comment:

Mustang Ma said...

I do not know whether Pan Terra is an American or a European, but as an American, I want to say that it is very apparent that some wealthy people robbed the banks the legal way, and the American government is now filling the holes in the banks with taxpayers money. I just wonder whether it is fair to the average Americans.