Friday, February 12, 2010

Mediterranean Union As Israel Palestine Solution

Roger Cohen in Hard MidEast Truths, opines on the Palestine-israel problem that: "If there are not two states, there will be one state, and very soon there will be more Palestinian Arabs in it than Jews."

In other words, Cohen says that the present Jewish supremacist strategy leads to the extinction of Israel.

Cohen calls onto Obama to rise to the occasion. But...

Considering that Obama cannot see the simplest thing, such as the present big banking sector having nothing to do with the free market, it is dubious he can do anything useful about Israel and Palestine. His Cairo discourse, much admired, was pure demagogy with no concrete content anywhere, whatsoever.

Many are happy about the creeping annexation. Many do not see the hatred, and it is a truth that a lot starts in religious texts.

The USA was not a force behind the creation of Israel. All it probably sees about the area is oil, oil, oil, and the strategy of dividing to conquer, to get ever more oil. The 250,000 troops on the ground put there by Bush and Obama are clear enough a symbol.

Ultimately the only pacific way out is to extend a variant of the European construction, a Mediterranean Union, to the entire region (as Sarkozy initially proposed). This dialogue worked well in Europe, there is no reason it would not work as well around the Mediterranean. A target for conceptual destruction ought to be superstitions and their associated racisms (clearly, for example, some part of the Qur'an are as offensive against the Jews as possible; even the Nazis in their worst state did not talk about the people they hated the most in such an absurdly violent fashion.)

Indeed the last time the Mediterranean area was united was under the Roman empire. It is the rise of superstition, even well before, centuries before the invention of Islam, that originated the present problems (by leading for example to the destruction of the gigantic Jewish temple in Jerusalem and then spreading aggressive heresies of Judaism, namely Christianism and Islamism).

If we want peace, we need to go back to some somewhat similar situation to that which existed under Rome (but with more national freedom, as exists in the European Union.) So the Mediterranean Union is the solution. Anything else is a waste of time, and should lead to an orgy of destruction, especially when some youth understand better the game of the USA.

Patrice Ayme

1 comment:

anvor said...


Thank you for pointing to Paul Kruegman at his own (American) economic mess. Alas, I live through it with him, since I reside in Kentucky. The place smells like the Soviet Union right before it blew up.

In general, since I frequently read your comments in NYTimes, one day I'll inevitably steal one of your ideas (most likely unintentionally.) Hope you'll forgive me.

Best and thank you,

Andrei Vorobiev