Monday, March 15, 2010

The Main Points About The Regalian Banking System We Have.

The first key point about finance as it exists is that private, unsupervised, unelected financial establishments are able to create most of the money in use in the realm. It is a major misleading omission to behave as if this was compatible with democracy (see what Rothschild thought about it below).

The second key point is that they are allowed to create it through debt, in other words, serfdom.

The third key point is that modern financial creators are allowed to give said money they created to whoever, and whatever they please. "Whoever" they call that "talent", and "whatever" is the derivative universe, which, as its name indicates, is not the real universe. The derivative universe is just a way to claim imaginary revenue, imaginary profits, and, thus, all too real bonuses, and manipulative powers onto the world of economics, politics, and sociology.

The fourth key point is that they avoid supervision, election, and, in general the entire democratic process; this is called the 'independence" of the Federal Reserve bank. "independence" from democracy, that is.

All these powers of modern finance are regalian.

As Rothschild said: "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply."

But kings, especially non elected ones, become arrogant, because they want to celebrate their power. Thus now they have forced the people to humiliate itself by forking over all its economies, and then by making it plain that they could get away with anything. Hence the criminality, and blatant influence peddling.

None of this has to be. making banks into the realm's money creator is an extraordinary privilege that was not accorded during most of civilization, for the reason that, as Rothschild said, it makes the king into a puppet. Thus Obama is a puppet, says Rothschild.

One could revert to the earlier system used in feudal times and times before that: banks lend what has been deposited with them, and not more. Governments would then create money as needed. To insure that enough money would be created for valid projects and investments, banking officials would be rewarded reasonably according, and proportionally to the long term profitability of said projects and investments. In other words, the more leveraged a bank is, the more governmentalized it ought to be.

The only banks who are truly private are those using strictly no leverage. Others ought to be viewed as the government institutions they truly are, meaning that the government is not what conventional wisdom assumed it to be.


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