American Aggression Against Aghanistan:
The president of the USA, Jimmy Carter, signed a secret order of attack on the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, July 3, 1979. Thus the Afghan war was started by the USA, not bin Laden, 32 years ago. In other news, Merkel is quite disappointing, indeed. On the other hand, when they have tried all the bad solutions, further integration will be all what's left.
And this is true for the southern, and eastern side of the Mediterranean too, which is more important to Europe than Russia. Because Russia has only one way to go, whereas the fascist-theocratic mix along the shores of the Med could mean unending wars. Thus it has to be developed in secular democracy.
American health care is, overall, much more expensive than the better performing health care systems of comparable countries. Therein the first problem. So let's seriate, and do first things first.
How come is USA health care so much more expensive? Because for example health care companies in the USA greed based system, advertize heavily. In most other countries, that's unlawful. The cost of the advertizing can exceed the research, for pharmaceuticals. That money is taken from patients, and is sent by health care plutocrats to their fellow advertizing plutocrats (and that may even be themselves, through shares!)
We call if health care, and that is what they have in many countries. But, in the USA, it ought to be called health greed. And that's not good.
The Pluto In Plutocracy:
Plutocracy is not just about wealth ruling, but also about Pluto ruling. The fundamental urge of plutocrats is to make the people suffer, and it's true all over. As they are more crafty on Wall Street than in Russia, more power to them! In any case, for all and any plutocrats, caring about their own country does not register any cash, so it's rarely done.
Emotional Dwarves:
Greed does not make the world go 'round. One needs more emotions than that. Public service one of them. This is what the People of the USA will have to learn someday, and throw the old demons out.
Future historians will laugh, and wonder why fools such as me believed in Obama's slogan: "Change You Can Believe In!" Indeed, which change would Goldman Sachs, Obama's greatest contributor, believe in exactly? Well exactly zero change, once they pocketed the public money offered to them by their agents in Washington, of course.
So most public money was sent to the vultures feeding on the economy, instead of empowering the public programs which were apparently beyond the feeble imagination of the plutocratic agents to even imagine. In any case, the agents were not paid for that, such was not the mission conferred to them by their private, filthy rich sponsors.
As in many a great power, the nominal leaders have so much hubris that they believe their intricate entanglements of corrupt plots is the way it has to be, and the way it can keep on being. But, ultimately, they are just small servants of what they do not understand, the will, in some men, to hurt most men.
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