Saturday, November 22, 2008


Maureen Dowd observes that: "Gays who supported Barack Obama had the bittersweet experience of seeing [less educated, being Black and Hispanics] voters who surged to the polls to vote Democratic also vote for Proposition 8, which turned gay “I dos” into “You can’ts".”

California already has a domestic partnership law. Once united by it, couples need to go through a real divorce if they want to part ways (as one of my friends found to her dismay!). So President Obama has just to pass, with his tremendous majorities in the Senate and House, the law recognizing domestic partnership from state to state. Problem solved.

In Europe, domestic partnerships have supplanted the old style marriage, thus vaporizing the problem of sad versus gay state of affairs. Please circulate, good people, there are more serious matters out there!

Patrice Ayme

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