Friday, July 17, 2009


The comment below (after ***XXX***) was sent swiftly to the New York Times, after Krugman's editorial. My comment agreed with the editorial, but it went much further; for some reason, the NYT thought it was better not to publish it; now the strongest statement in my comment, was, by far, the attack against the Fractional Reserve Banking System; thus the conclusion I reach that it is viewed as a dangerous assault against the core of the system. Which it is. This shows the power and subtility of media control. This is not the first time this happens.)

In Russia one more courageous woman lawyer fighting for human rights was arrested by uniformed security forces, in full day light, and promptly shot to death. This is what happens when an oligarchy is even more out of control than the one in the USA today.

The criminal behavior of some fascist oligarchs in Russia is reminiscent,in its reckless disregard for a semblance of civilization, to the reckless behavior of some financiers in the USA. Or conversely.

Paul Krugman has joined the chorus against Goldman Sachs, a typical, ongoing financial conspiracy in the USA (before 2009, that conspiracy was called an "investment bank", now it's simply a "bank").

Says Krugman in his NYT editorial (July 17, 2009): "Goldman Sachs’s record quarterly profits show us that the investment bank is very good at what it does. Unfortunately, what it does is bad for America."

Here is my comment below (a more incisive version, "Gold Man Sucks", with sharper philosophy, will hopefully be posted on patriceayme.wordpress):


Goldman Sachs would not exist if not for the taxpayer. The taxpayer saved Goldman Sachs from extinction in 2008. To reward the taxpayer, Goldman Sachs is fully reestablishing its dominion.

Goldman Sachs got a 13 billion dollars gift through AIG, from the taxpayer, and probably much more, secretly, at some point through the secret operations of the Federal Reserve (unaudited by the US Congress). Just these $13 billion is about 25% of the stimulus distributed, so far, for more than 300 million Americans. But Goldman Sachs got it in 2008. Goldman gets first class service, and most of the service that exists. The USA seems to exist to serve Goldman.

China's economy is growing again close to 8% per year. Why? Because of a giant stimulus to its economy. In the USA, there has been an even much larger stimulus. But not a stimulus for the economy; that one is small: officially $787 billion but in truth a small fraction of this (once the AMT and the subventions to the crashing states have been removed).

No, the giant stimulus in the USA has been for the bankers, the same group of private individuals, some particular bankers, that caused the disaster to start with. All of Goldman Sachs is part of it. Banks should have been saved as institutions, no doubt. But should well organized criminals be saved too? Yes, it sounds like an unrelated question. So why did the government of the USA relate both propositions? Because there are always Goldman Sachs officers in the government of the USA? Does this have to do with Goldman Sachs' acumen in profiting from the disasters it itself advise periodically to engage in?

China has banks too. But the Chinese government gave guidelines about who and what should get money for its real stimulus to the economy, and that meant the real economy, not speculation.

How come China could achieve this, and not the USA? Because China is a People's republic. The Chinese government controls its bankers. In the USA, the bankers control the government.

Make no mistake: China is also a plutocracy. Children of Communist party officials control the economy to a great extent. official statistics show this. Simply, the USA is even more of a plutocracy, and thus, in that particular dimension, less of a republic.

In the fractional reserve system, bankers, private individuals, fabricate the money. It is time to realize that this FRACTIONAL RESERVE SYSTEM IS A DEVOLUTION OF CIVILIZATION. The only way out is to reestablish a greater control of banking, enforcing on bankers an ontology, an oath of office, and severe controls, to finally make them officially into the officers of the state they already are. It is part of the solution for allowing its rightful owners, the People,to repossess the State.

Indeed, right now, a particular group of private bankers and their business associates, rule the USA as their own private state, instead of letting the public do their own thing (which is what a republic is, supposedly).

Patrice Ayme

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