Friday, July 17, 2009


Tyranosopher wrote:
July 18, 2009 5:39

What is the aim of the war in Afghanistan? For the Afghans, it is to get rid of the invaders. For Mr. Obama, it is to get rid of Al Qaeda. But Al Qaeda is not in Afghanistan anymore. So why is Mr. Obama truly sending more combat troops in Afghanistan and making more war? So that more people, and soldiers, will get killed?

It is more important to know why one is fighting a war than to fight it. Why one is fighting is the most important ingredient for victory, when the issue of a war is uncertain. When one bombs people's home, to kill them, one better make sure one's reasons are good. But the West is bombing people's homes, in Afghanistan, and its reasons are no good.

Neither the Taliban, nor Al Qaeda were created by Afghanistan, or by Afghans: both were created by the CIA, or by proxies of the CIA such as the ISI from Pakistan.

Mr. Obama heard that the Afghan government has confirmed a misogynistic law confirming that women, by law, can be raped by their husbands, but, by law, they have to enjoy it. He became indignant, asked for reconsideration. Why? Does Mr. Obama celebrate Islam? Has not he declared in Cairo he would be the defender of that faith? The Qur'an explicitly take the position confirmed by the Afghan legislature allowing men to rape women ("women are your fields, so men go into your fields however you want, etc..."). When he heard of this, Mr. Obama decided to fall silent, deciding suddenly to follow Wittgenstein's advice: " "whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent".

The constitution of the Islamist Republic of Afghanistan is Islam (and thus the Qur'an). So far, so good. So what is NATO doing in Afghanistan? Defending the Afghan Islamist constitution. Against whom? Islamists. Mr. Obama made clear he loved Islamists, just not those. Those he wants to kill. Why? Because they kill people. Why does Mr. Obama go to Afghanistan to kill Islamists? Because that's where they live.

In other words, Western leadership has obviously gone crazy. The philosophical aim of the war has become to defend a peculiar view of Islam against a certain group of Islamists (thus it aims at establishing a particular religion, a characterized violation of the constitution of the USA).

To understand the Afghanistan war, at this point, G. Orwell' "!984" seems more important than American discourses. Time to go home.

Patrice Ayme

(Published in "The Economist")

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