Thursday, August 6, 2009



Paul Krugman hopefully opines that:"A close look at recent protesters indicates that cynical political operators are exploiting cultural and racial anxiety in the health care reform debate."
Unfortunately, there is much more to it, and Obama and his happy crew can only blame themselves. I am 100% for universal health care, but these leaders are doing everything wrong, and the People sense it. Let me explain a bit.

Well, human beings do not act out of logical chains only. Those logical chains (neuron inter connects: axons, etc.) are built through glial activity. Glial cells are more emotional. They direct neuronal (hence logical) growth. Emotions first, diffusely, then logics to give it a skeleton.

So emotions build up first. And Obama, unfortunately, did a lot of things to make both his supporters and his opponents angry.

On health care we have Dr. Emanuel, the brother of the Emanuel who made 16 million dollars from a bank, between two political jobs, in 2 years. That second Emanuel is Obama’s Chief of Staff. Emanuel the brother is a doctor . He apparently uttered talk which was clearly intent on rationing the elderly (compare with Bush, who brought medical drugs to the elderly). There are no words to qualify how despicable such talk is.

Obama had no problem promising those who destroyed the economy 24,000 billion dollars, so that they could keep their haughty commandeering of American destiny, and giant incomes. But then Obama said health care had to be fully paid for. Although, once subtracted some present give away to private companies, the Obama plan would cost only 50 billion dollars a year, or so.

Obama has no problem borrowing like a drunken sailor so that his Muslims can win over the “extremist” Muslims he does not like in Afghanistan. Never mind that he spends 5 billion a week, and that the war will be lost. Killing Afghans should be free, curing American should be expensive.

I am for universal health care, as all really civilized countries have. It's indeed a quation of civilization. But, for Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama, it was a question of money. Big money, for themselves. Big influence, for themselves. Taking care of others? Perhaps. But of themselves? Surely, big time. Never mind that they were not qualified.

France, full of elderly citizens, and attached to the concept of humanity, would never limit care for the elderly (I saw this with many elderly members of my family). Any politician uttering anything that way, or in the way of reducing care, would be out of politics in France immediately. Even if the president (there would be riots marching on the presidency, which would probably burn down, and the police would not interfere).

I am thoroughly familiar with the French and US health care system, my best friend is a US doctor. But the US system stinks to high heavens, and it stinks of money. And what do we see around Obama? People who, although not doctors, and having no medical background, got paid enormously to sit on private hospital boards.

Such people, in France, would be on trial. In the USA, they sit in the White House. So people are angry? Well, may be they sense something French justice has learned to recognize.

Patrice Ayme

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