Saturday, August 8, 2009



FRANK RICH wonders: "Is Obama Punking Us?" As Rich abstracts it: "While it’s unlikely that the chorus of President Obama’s most strident doomsayers will be proven right, there is growing cause for concern that the president is not the reformer he promised to be."And the NYT invited me to "Share your thoughts." So here it is:

The day after his election, Obama went to work at a hedge fund. At this point, I had a sinking feeling: Obama did not even try to hide the truth about himself. That brazen display was right in the middle of the collapse of finance, most of it caused by HEDGE FUND LIKE ACTIVITIES by a handful of major bankers and a few traders in conspiracies such as AIG and Goldman Sachs. These activities involved enormous leverage of public money, thanks to the fact that banks are mysteriously allowed by the government to create money, and give it to whoever they want (surprisingly, they start with themselves and their friends).

Then Obama brought in the biggest Goldman Sachs team that ever was, the Rubin team. It had been busy, under Clinton, demolishing Roosevelt's great financial architecture (The Banking Act of 1933). After bearing fruits, and receiving their rich rewards under Bush, Summers and company were back at work, apparently to push things much further. This time money was directly taken from the People, no need for subtilities anymore.

And here we are, a year later. Summers was already, de facto, in power a year ago, all what was done in the meantime, the 24,000 billion dollars given, lent or promised to their corrupt friends in finance (what Obama calls the "financial system", in a surrealistic touch), was accomplished in accord with Rubin, and the Rubin team. Geithner was already second in command behind Paulson, when they acted on their Goldman Sacks plot, destroying Lehman (instead of nationalizing it), Goldman's competitor, while setting up a machination with AIG.

So we are here a year later, and the People has been enslaved with higher spending and borrowing, and there is strictly nothing to show for it which is positive. The thieves are getting tax payer money for their mansions, private jets and tax heavens. And Obama celebrates this as "saving the financial system".
Without debate, Obama expanded the war in Afghanistan. Never mind that he is sending people to die for a Muslim constitution there (a blatant violation of the separation of church and state).

Obama now says cost has to be contained in the health care system. But his wife Michelle, and friend, Valerie Jarrett, were sitting on an hospital board, raking up a fortune. They are just lawyers. They are not doctors of medicine, just lawyers. In a country such as France, they would be on trial for corruption. In, the USA, they sit in the White House, looking pretty.

The spouse of the ex-mayor of Paris got $30,000 for a 40 page report; last week she got condemned to 9 months in jail, on the ground that $30,000 for 40 pages was obvious corruption. Obama and Jarrett, named by politicians through what would be called in France political "influence trafficking", got millions playing doctors on a hospital board, and then people wonder why health care is so expensive in the USA? Just put one Jarrett and one Obama per hospital board, and you break the health care system.

Two other advisers of Obama on health care are calling for cuts in health care. No, they are not accusing corruption and lawyers paid by corrupt hospitals to play doctors, and raking millions in their uneducated hands.

One of Obama's advisers says that health care cost too much, because there is too much research, and he proposes to cut back on new treatments, and research. He claims two-thirds of the augmentation of cost comes from there. New medical technology. But that was always the case, so what is he truly saying?

The other health adviser of Obama is outright saying that he wants to give medical treatment according to a "priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated". He gave lots of statements about refusing treatment to infant and older people. No doubt that this will improve the mortality rates of infants, which are already abysmal in the USA, all the way down to Hades.

Even the Nazis never dared say anything of the sort in public. I am not exaggerating: this Ezekiel Emanuel made an outright attack against the Hippocratic oath. His brother the Chief of Staff today said that progressives were "f..king stupid" to not see how right all of this was. (Rahm the Chief made 16 million from a bank in 2 years: his children will survive the cuts.)

Killing children for money, as Emanuel proposes to do, is also a form of racism, because no doubt those who the plutocratic system has made filthy rich will have no trouble paying doctors to save their babies.

A week ago, I was laughing with everybody when a gentleman insisted that "government takes its hands out of my Medicare". But now I have encountered Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel. Dr. Emanuel would have done better to stay discrete and silent, like his predecessor, Dr. Mengele. And I am not laughing anymore. Emanuel makes Rubin look like a humanist, and Goldman Sacks like a charity. Once again, and to my dismay, the warning signs are there.

Details, with plenty of quotes of the "health" advisers, will be put on my site ASAP. I do not know why this is all happening. Obama talks the talk, but he walks into Hades. Things such as these have happened in history before. Let's not forget that Mussolini had a long career as a socialist, before getting to power. Once there he tried to fight Hitler. In the end he finished as the exact opposite of all he had initially claimed he stood for. Hitler himself claimed to be a socialist (but, secretly he was the exact opposite, and he was financed, organized and supported by some of the richest families in Germany and the USA).

Who is financing Obama, already? Well, if you believe it's the small people, as the propaganda has it, you may have dementia. And people with dementia do not get health care, in the "complete lives system" of the good Doctor Emanuel. Your prognostic is not good.

Patrice Ayme

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