Tuesday, September 1, 2009


From the New York Times: "A new report by the top commander in Afghanistan detailing the deteriorating situation there confronts President Obama with the politically perilous decision of whether to deepen American involvement in the eight-year-old war amid shrinking public support at home."

Politically perilous? Is "politics" all there ever is? What about morally devastating, philosophically self defeating and strategically erroneous?

The war in Afghanistan is so blatantly absurd at this point that one cannot escape a feeling that it is a deliberate distraction, among other things. Another possibility, explored here, is that some deeper computation is at work, and it has nothing to do with Islamist terrorists.

For example Obama, a past drug user himself, makes a big deal about the planting in Afghanistan of plants that can be used for drugs. As if it were his business.

This is a new height in hypocrisy.Poppy planting is legal, for medicinal purposes, all around the world, including Turkey, France and Australia.

This war is going nowhere nice. The fact that it is going nowhere allows to justify lots of military spending, though... Having a full grown man such as Obama in need of handlers to tell him which fight to engage in is pathetic.

Why so much bravado in Afghanistan, and so little with bankers and health care vultures?

Now, of course, there may be deeper reasons to stay forever in Afghanistan. Such as being in the front line when the unavoidable thermonuclear war between india and Pakistan occurs, 15 years down the drain... But then it may be more clever, democratic and civilizationally progressive to say it, and to talk about that. Instead the present strategy of taking deliberately erroneous decisions so that the war last another 15 years is a freely chosen tactic to make a bad situation worse.

Peoples, in Europe and America, may not approve much longer...

Patrice Ayme

[A more elaborated version of this post will be found on patriceayme.wordpress.com]

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