Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Health care is a huge profit center for the hyper rich in the USA. Warren Buffet made personally 8 billion dollars from health insurance at some point. Still, Obama called him his "friend", many times over. Does Obama want everybody to emulate Buffet and divert funds from health care to obscene profits so as to be able to buy oneself a fleet of private jets, as Warren Buffet did? With friends like that do you get a jet too?

In the USA, all too often, when people make big money, they are viewed as right, deep, just and altruistic.

So Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama got hundreds of thousands of dollars from a hospital, although they are not trained in medicine or hospital administration. In a country such as France, the public health insurance system, which watches over the cost of the entire medical system, would have sued them for corruption.

But in the USA, they made big money, so they are just, right, deep, and incarnate American health care: a way to make big bucks for the few, the best, the wisest, and most altruistic. And Valerie Jarrett is there in the front lines, with her vision of health care for everybody.

No doubt that involves paying more so she can get more funds for a bigger mansion on Martha's Vineyard for herself. In other countries health spending is for health, in the USA it is for the rich to live like kings on Martha's Vineyard.


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